2020 is Zooming In!

2020 promises to be a busy year already. My program at work comes to full drive and conclusion in 2020, its the year I finally am going to get really into going to the gym (I did say I was optimistic, right?) and take care of Samantha first. I’ve built out a decent journal with kickass motivational stickers and I’m definitely going to stick to the house cleaning schedule I built. Totally. Right on that.

But, to reflect, 2019 closed out a lot as well. Leading up to Avengers: Endgame, I couldn’t contain my excitement about how it was all going to, well, end. Big Bang Theory and the Star Wars Saga are coming to a head, though Jon Favreau gave me the teeny joy of Baby Yoda. I mean, how can you not find this adorable?

But, as these sagas go full circle, it clears up a little room in my giant geeky heart to take on new material. So much so, I’m pretty much settled in completing some version of the PopSugar 2020 Reading Challenge.

What are you looking forward to in 2020? What new books, shows, movies are getting you excited? Anything you might recommend?